How To Be Safe Around Camels

camel training & handling Mar 11, 2022
How To Be Safe Around Camels

Have you ever been given a ‘safety briefing’ on how to be safe around camels?


When I first got into camels I was surprised at how many camel owners had no idea about how to stay safe around camels - it was kinda concerning! 


Most people don’t know how camels can accidentally injure someone, that is until an accident happens.


Given the camel’s size, it’s super important to know how to keep yourself safe while being around them. 


Camels don’t know their own size, so it’s up to YOU to know how to keep yourself safe (and not make the camel feel bad for accidentally hurting you *winks*).


Learn something new about camels and watch the video now on How To Keep Yourself Safe Around Camels.




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