Mediation with Camels | Anxiety & PTSD Relief
Apr 23, 2022
Mediation itself isn’t a new thing for me, but recently I’m being guided to mediate with my camels - the best kinda mediators & gurus - and I want to share this experience with you!
Whether you’re new to mediation, seasoned or a complete beginner you’re 100% in the right place!
This mediation with camels targets the deregulated nervous system which can contribute to Anxiety & PTSD symptoms.
Meditating with camels, even virtually, offers you the chance for a deeper more meaningful experience of mediation with the camels present, this gives you a chance to tap into some ‘camel energy’ while mindfully meditating and allowing yourself to calm your nervous system and reset for a more positive mindset.
I’m no stranger to Anxiety & PTSD and I was guided to release this Mediation and its words through my own mediation practice.
Before we begin, know this…
You are always in control of what you let enter your experience, trauma lives in the mind & body and it’s learnt skills, strategies & habits that can help you cope with your anxieties & PTSD episodes.
My suggestion is, take what you need & what you don’t need from this meditation.
Also remember that any form of meditation is not a one fix wonder.
It’s a practiced skill.
I suggest you listen to this at minimum once a day until your symptoms subside.
The brain hates new things, because it thinks the ‘old routines’ and ‘patterns’ keep us safe, so resistance might be present for you throughout this mediation. Don’t get tricked into thinking this mediation ‘isn’t working’ that’s just your monkey mind speaking. Be consistent for your own well-being.
You are safe in this space
you are deeply loved…
Press play & let’s begin…Watch YouTube or listen on iTunes Podcasts or HERE
Camel Behaviourist, Wellness & Energy Expert
(AKA #SpiritualCameleer)
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